Janez Urevc (MD Systems, slashrsm) opened the evening with a status update about the Media Initiative. In the past year, media management in Drupal 8 made a huge step. Thus, Janez had a lot of interesting new stuff to show.
The closing presentation was held by Tassilo Gröper (Wondrous, tassilogroeper). He talked about best practices in Drupal 8. As Wondrous started very early to build websites based on Drupal 8 Tassilo could share a lot of experience with the audience. Find more information about his presentation here.
Paragraphs Initiative
In between the performances of Janez and Tassilo, Miro Dietiker (MD Systems, miro_dietiker) gave insight into the plans of the Paragraphs module. Significant progress will be done in the next weeks and months.
The Paragraphs module is already in use in many website projects to solve the problems and limitations of the WYSIWYG editor. MD Systems has made a deep analysis of the needs for content creation, followed by several proposals for future development of Paragraphs. The goal is to simplify the tool for users and increase the flexibility of content creation with new features.
Based on modular structured content, different channels and devices can be provided with consistent identity and design without forcing the content creator into inflexible structures. Predefined modular elements can be combined freely. Various things that needed configuration by developers can now be composed by editors. They can even create landing pages for a campaign or edit the frontpage on demand.
With this kind of flexibility, Drupal will set new web standards!
Web editors have been dreaming about all those functionalities since they started creating websites. Check out Miro's presentation here.
Contact us to find out what is needed to freely compose content on your Drupal 8 websites. We are looking forward to improve Paragraphs and your website in a project with you!
Image: Josef Dabernig @dasjo
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DUG - Paragraphs - Presentation 20161114.pdf 2.44 MB2.44 MB
Drupal 8 Media Status.pdf 691.16 KB691.16 KB