The creation migrated successfully over 500’000 articles and 160’000 pictures from The articles created with Woodwing could be published on the new website with the click of a button.
Newsportal in High-Performance-Environment
The Beta-Version runs on a high-performance environment of which offers triple redundancy. The website is delivered using the Content Delivery Network (CDN) "Fastly". Tools like New Relic provide detailed views in the performance which help MD Systems with the optimisation of NP8 and Drupal 8. These views have shown first performance issues, many of which could be solved quickly.
In addition, users are invited to test the features to provide feedback and suggest improvements. Later, other features and services will be integrated, and the news portal will completely be replaced by the Drupal 8 version.
Development of Drupal 8 moves forward.
As before, Drupal 8 is still in the beta phase and is constantly being worked on. It is, ultimately, projects like NP8 and the release of beta-Südostschweiz that are driving the development of Drupal 8 and all its additional modules to lay the foundation for a stable release of the new version of Drupal.
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