An early master plan draft for a Drupal 8 media ecosystem proposes a solid abstracted architecture with pluggable components. To avoid fragmentation and confusion with partially overlapping projects, the media initiative wants to define solid APIs as a common denominator. Specific Media handling modules will be implemented on top of these APIs. Only through this approach, we can enter a modern architecture where all of these modules can be easily combined and are well integrated with each other: From mass upload, reusing and ordering media, multilingual metadata, integrating external services, cropping, responsive and highres images and many many things more.
A solid storage for early Drupal 8 projects
Also Media maintainers joined the sprint to make sure our goals are well aligned to the official Media Initiative.
One of the key deliverables we have is aiming for a stable and extensible storage for early Drupal 8 projects with media requirements. These projects should later be able to benefit from all the future Media developments. For a minimum deliverable, we decided to focus on the module "File Entity".
The sprint invite: