Drupal 8 Media Initiative Program
The first presentation was held by Miro Dietiker (miro_dietiker, MD Systems) about the Drupal 8 Media Initiative (of Dave Reid and Janez Urevc) and the program that MD Systems started. The goal of the program is to reach a major milestone for media handling in Drupal 8. Therefore, a dedicated team was built around Janez that started to work on Media for November and December. A community Sprint week in Zurich is announced from November 30th to December 4th and everyone is welcome. Read more about the Media Initiative here.
Development Setup at Unic
Right after, Mario Schnauss (dermario, Unic AG) gave insight in the Development Setup at Unic. He explained some of the tools they use for their Drupal development and how they are working with it. For example, Unic does Behat tests which are easy to understand for their clients, document the functionality of the website and of course set a quality standard by automated test coverage.
Translation Configuration in Drupal 8
As Josef Dabernig (dasjo, Amazee Labs) needed to cancel his presentation a few days before the DUG, Tobias Stöckler (tstoeckler, erdfisch) stepped into the breach and presented the status of Configuration Translation in Drupal 8. It is already far advanced and ready to use although some unexpected minor bugs again showed up during the live demonstration. Nevertheless, the audience was impressed to see how multilingual things work in Drupal 8 out of the box!