Schweizer Filmpreis 2015



Schweizer Filmakademie

Go Live

November 2017

The association "Schweizer Filmakademie" aimed at a new web presence.

The primary goal of the website of the "Swiss Film Academy" is to provide information in German and French for the members of the association and interested parties or media professionals.

With Primer, the association was able to launch a simple website that presents all relevant information.

Although little daily news is published, it should be possible to create separate pages for specific events such as the Film Awards or the Nominees Luncheon. With Primer, these can be expanded in the future if needed, without the need for budget for further development.

foto Angel Meier September

"With Primer we were able to design the pages independently and enter content. Working with Primer was very pleasant. This allowed us to focus on optimizing the content and its presentation."

Angela Meier, Managing Director "Swiss Film Academy"

Primer has once again proven to be the optimal basis. Thanks to the wide range of standard functions, it is possible to focus on individual requirements during the project. Due to the high degree of standardization, the platform remains efficiently maintainable despite strong individualization, which significantly optimizes the total cost of ownership.